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Why You Should Switch To Solar

21st November 2022

If you’re fed up with relying on utility companies for your electricity, or simply wish there was another way to power your home, you’re in luck. The good news is, you don’t need to relocate to a reservoir and build a hydroelectric power station, you just need to make the easy switch to solar.

There are loads of great reasons to switch to solar power, which not only benefit your bank balance, but also help you to ‘tread lightly’ on our planet, giving you the satisfaction of both saving you money as well as doing your bit for the environment. In this blog, we’ll explore the main reasons why you should consider a switch to solar energy for your home or business.

Six Reasons Why You Need To Switch To Solar

Save And Make Money

Contrary to popular perception, making the switch to solar doesn’t have to break the bank and can even put money back into your wallet!

When you make the switch to solar energy, you primarily use the power which you generate and, when you do use power from the grid, you can aim to do so when the power is at its cheapest.  This means that you don’t have to pay the premiums which the UK energy providers continue to charge. In some cases, you could see a reduction in your utility bills of up to 70% every month as a result of using your own power.

Generally speaking, the savings you could make vary according to the size of the array that you install, as well as its installation orientation and position. Another factor is the duration of the payback period which can vary from five years all the way up to twenty or more.

As an example, using a 4kW system, you could save over £21,000 over a period of twenty years. With a larger 6kW system, you can save over £32,500.

Another financial aspect to consider is that the solar panels can actually make you money; if you have an excess of electricity being generated, you can sell this back to the grid - particularly if you also install a power storage system at the same time as the panels.

Reduce Your Impact on The Environment

The electricity that your solar panels generate is 100% clean and renewable and requires no burning (on our planet anyway!) which means there are no emissions of harmful greenhouse gases released. On the other hand, the electricity from power stations may be generated from burning coal, biomass, (renewable but releases carbon) or even from a nuclear power plant - none of which are both renewable and environmentally friendly as they require burning of fossil fuels, as well as transport of the fuels to the power stations and disposal of waste (for example, ash) which again releases carbon throughout the process. 

As we mentioned at the start of this article, some electricity supplied by the grid may be generated from wind turbines, steam, or hydroelectric power.  However normally the peace of mind given from knowingly using this power exclusively comes with a higher price tag.

Independence from the Grid

Energy prices have never been higher, and as consumers we’re never quite sure when the next price hike is going to be put into effect, sending our personal budgets and financial plans into disarray.

When you switch to solar, you disconnect yourself from the mental burden of unexpected price hikes. You get to use the power that you generate, for free and if you also install a power storage system, you can save the electricity for when you need it most. This means you have the luxury of only using electricity from the grid when you absolutely have to, and when it is at its cheapest (for example, overnight). 

Government Incentives and Assistance

Because of the efforts of the Government to reduce the extent of climate change, and the various sustainability targets that they must achieve, there are now significant incentives to switch to solar power at home.

The incentives include financial assistance to the tune of £10,000 that can be spent on installation costs, made possible through the Energy Company Obligation Scheme (ECO4). With the average solar power installation costing less than six thousand pounds, this financial assistance makes switching to solar a no-brainer.

Coupled with this is what is known as a Smart Export Guarantee (SEG Payments). This is a monthly payment made to you by the utility companies, enforced by the Government and can be in the region of £45 per year - so it’s not like winning the lottery - but it is free money at the end of the day.

Property Value Increase

When solar panels first started being installed on domestic roof tops, a lot of homeowners were concerned about devaluing their property - after all, a solar array isn’t the prettiest thing to have ever graced the top of a building.

These days however, as a result of ever rising energy costs, as well as an increased awareness of environmental responsibility and protecting our planet, this perception has changed, with the addition of solar photovoltaic cells on a rooftop adding to the value of a property.

Low Maintenance Technology

When you think of generating your own electricity, you may go straight to concerns over expensive service bills, frequent maintenance, and a short service life. Thankfully however, due to the simplicity of a solar array, these fears couldn’t be more misplaced.

Solar panels in reality only require a quick inspection every year to ensure they’re functioning optimally. It’s also good to make sure the panels are kept clean and aren’t overshadowed by trees - do this, and your solar panels should last well over 20 years. 

Ready to Make The Switch?

As you’ll now know, it is now easier than ever to switch to solar power.

The financial aid and incentives offset a lot of the installation costs - and over time the whole setup could end up making you money - as well as give you peace of mind that you’re not going to be surprised by a sudden energy price hike. Factor in the assurance that you’re doing your bit to help the environment and you have nothing to lose but a huge amount to gain from switching to solar power.

Head to our product page to start your ‘switch to solar’ journey today. 

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